Join Me

What is 'Project:Newsround'?[]

One of the biggest and most important projects will be to 'simply' go back through the archives of Join Me news on various sites, in order to set up the historic section of the 'When?' pages. Whilst it's one of the most important, it might well be the last of the initial three projects, after Joinees are categorised a little better, and filled out with a bit more detail.

Any new links found so far would also be good.

Stages completed so far...[]

  1. Vague details about the big Meets, like Karmageddon (User:Karmagraphik)
  2. The links page set up (User:Karmagraphik)
  3. Worked up a vague outline of the book - see also Project:Bookworm (User:Karmagraphik)

Stages being done...[]

  • Nothing just yet

Stages to do...[]

  • Check over other links to locate news about Join Me, particularly the main Join Me site's news